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Your Business
Digital Data In One Place For Your Finance & Marketing Needs

Manage, Control and Share data from your e-commerce platform, marketplace, POS, e-wallet, accounting systems and many more. 

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Create Your Account Now

An Initiative by


What You Can Do With MyDataHub.Ai?

MyDataHub.Ai Financing

Access to Financing

Get access to innovative financing from our partners, collectively worth RM150mil to be disbursed. 

Our partners offer a variety of financing packages that suits your needs – Revenue Based Financing, B2B Buy Now Pay Later, Term Financing. 

MyDataHub.Ai Marketing

Better Marketing ROI

We help analyze your customer data and provide actionable insights. This service is currently only available to Easystore users. Tell us what other platforms you are using and we  will do our best to connect. 


We also can help you target better on many advertising platforms such as REV Media, MCIL, MGID, META, TikTok.

MyDataHub.Ai Ecosystem 

Partner Platforms That Serves To Host Business Digital Data.

They include e-commerce branded store platforms, marketplaces, POS, Accounting, e-wallets and many more:

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Easy Access To Financing and Better Marketing ROI In Just 3 Simple Steps


Connect Your
Business Digital Data

Select  Financing /
Marketing Services


About MyDataHub.Ai

MyDataHub.Ai is a platform for you to manage, control and share all your business digital data in one place to get faster financing and better marketing.


This platform is owned by MDEC and operated by Dattel Asia Group.


Our objective is to make data sharing safe and outcome oriented so that it brings business value.

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Let's Connect

MyDataHub.Ai an initiative by MDEC and Dattel

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